
Sunday, February 23, 2020

Matthew McAllister Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Matthew McAllister - Essay Example This discussion asks that What factors have contributed to the change in the role of news? The greatest factor is, perhaps, the purchasing of television networks by movie studios. The movie studios, therefore, use their corporate ties with the television news networks so purchased to exert promotional pressures. Consequently, news lose their prime position as the news networks under entertainment corporations have to air ads during prime-time news. In addition, the television news networks lose control of the content they air as their sponsors dictate what suits their financial interests.According to the paper findings another major factor is to drive profits. In order to attract advertisers, news networks need not just an expanded viewership, but the viewership that interests advertisers. Since news mostly interests the elderly, news networks have adjust their broadcasting so as to rake in the youth as well. This is the rationale behind the reality show craze, as is the case with CB S which has been airing Survivor. It is not uncommon to find such stations holding a discussion on the outcome of the previous episode of the reality show during news time. Generally, news networks have transformed into entertainment and promotional zones.

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